Taxis in Amsterdam


Airport taxi

Amsterdam is close to both Schiphol Airport and Eindhoven Airport. Some take the train or bus and some prefer a taxi. While the train and bus is cheap it also has some disadvantages like overcrowded trains, not being able to sit, carrying to much luggage and it does not take you directly to your desired address (you still need to walk, take a taxi or tram to your accommodation). Therefore take a taxi from the airport to your desired address in Amsterdam and/or vice versa!

With an online reserved taxi you will be picked up from the airport, brought to the taxi, your luggage will be stored in the back of the car and you will be brought to your desired address in a easy and relax way. When you order your taxi online you will save money, you know upfront what you pay and you will not spend time on finding taxis.

Taxi stands

Taxi stands in Amsterdam are available at most tourist hubs including Leidseplein, Dam Square and Central Station. It is better to book a taxi in advance (tel. +31 207 777 777 or web. A 5%-10% tip is common but not mandatory.

Bicycle taxis

For a truly Dutch taxi twist, catch one of the many bicycle taxis around the city. The pedal powered taxis can carry up to two people and are actually cheaper than conventional taxi.